Friday, October 31, 2008

Fall Back!

So, just a reminder that Saturday is Time Change Time. Or whatever the official term is. Can't remember which way to turn the clock? Just remember Fall Back, Spring Forward.

In my mind, there's good and bad to Fall Time Change Time (seriously, what's the name of it???).

1. It's dark when I leave work.
2. It's dark when I leave home FOR work.
3. It feels creepy at night for the first week or two.
4. It's automatically colder (maybe not... maybe it just feels like it)

1. We get an extra hour of sleep on Saturday night.
2. ummmmm... that's all I can think of! (just kidding. kind of.)
2. (the REAL 2) I might actually make it to church on time this Sunday morning!
3. We're that much closer to Christmas

Can you think of anything else?

Happy Halloween! Or Happy Friday, if you choose not to celebrate Halloween! Either way, it's all good!


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